Print Format Builder

With the Print Format builder, you can create a personalized and basic Print Format quickly by dragging and dropping data fields, and also by including custom text or HTML.

The 'Standard' Print Format is created by default, it cannot be edited.

1. Pre-requisite

No Pre-requisite required

2. Using the Print Format Builder

To use Print Format Builder, go to:

Admin > Build > Print Format Builder

2.1 Via the menu navigation

  1. Go to the Print Format Builder.
  2. You can modify an existing print format or create a new one for a specific document type such as Item, Quotation, etc.
  3. To modify an existing Print Format, follow these steps. To learn how to create a new Print Format, check out the next section.
  4. Choose the Print Format you want to edit.
  5. Click on the Edit button, you will be taken to the Print Format Builder UI.
  6. After making the changes, click on Save.

2.2 Via a document

To customize the print format for a document, you can either click on the printer icon or go to Menu > Print and click on Try Pirnt format Builder. It's important to note that you need to have System Manager permission to do this.

You can add customized text, HTML in your print format, just drag and drop the Custom HTML field (in dark color) and add it to the place where you want to add the Custom HTML content. Then click on Edit HTML to edit your content.